Sunday, 27 July 2008


Summer school is an annual event where kids aged 12-25 come from all over Scotland (and some from other places in the UK) to have fun and improve their faith in god. It is a Christian event for the Salvation Army where kids take part in a number of activities to improve their skills in music, drama, dance and sports etc…

This year summer school was held at a different venue to the summer schools in the past. The grounds are pretty awesome: bigger and better than last year. However we are also sharing the school with other groups including a great jazz band!

There are main subjects and secondary options at summer school; MAIN: Brass, Drama, C band (contemporary worship), A Chorus (awesome or awful: whatever u like!) and Girls' Chorus OPTIONS: there is also media, dance, sports etc…

The purpose of summer school is to improve skill in our subjects and to improve our faith. It is a great opportunity to meet friends and to have fun … should be great!!!

James Adcock