Monday 11 August 2008

((deep)) -- 23rd August

I'm giving an early heads-up to the next ((deep)) gathering on the 23rd August... The guest speaker will be Garry Brotherson whose story exemplifies grace, redemption and the good news for all. He was the keynote speaker at the Salvation Army's East and West Scotland Summer School in 2007... and his is a story well worth hearing!

Music will be provided by Paul and Jen Clement (and who knows... maybe Garry will have his guitar too) with space for prayer & responsive contemplation. Coffee and refreshments will be available throughout the evening... with space for catching up with old friends (maybe some you've just made at Summer School???) or gives you the opportunity to connect with new people and build meaningful networks of likeminded individuals.

Door tax is £3... or what you can afford... with all monies being reinvested in the ((deep)) project.

Spread the word... post the flyer on your blog... share this post on facebook / bebo etc and be there. This is one evening you won't want to miss!

Thomas Mathie aka Headphonaught

Wednesday 6 August 2008


Teaching is a core part of the Summer School week... with speakers introducing the topic to be covered within the cell groups. This year we were blessed to have Maj. Graham & Dawn Mizon, Capt. Alison McCaffrey, Maj. Alec Still and Capt. Barry Ashton lead various sessions.

Below are links to the thoughts from Alison and Alec (AAC and MP3 formats are provided). Please take time to listen to them - they are both approximately 15 minutes long and help to unpack some of the ideas discussed throughout the week on the concept of shining our lights for the Lord.

1) Tuesday Morning - Capt. Alison McCaffrey :: AAC or MP3

2) Wednesday Morning - Maj. Alec Still :: AAC or MP3

Thomas Mathie