Thursday 31 July 2008

The Truth

The video proves one point which we’ve all heard so many times. That we can all turn our life around. No matter how many sins we have committed, how many times we’ve turned our back on god or if we’ve never really picked up in your faith yet. You can turn your life around, because God loves us all, and his love is there for anybody who wishes to accept it.

When the video starts off, it talks about the things we worry about in life when times get bad. When we think that our life is only going to get worse, when we get worried about “children’s health and safety”. These are the negative thoughts that flow through our heads when we don’t have the Lord in our life.

The second half of the video is a completely different kettle of fish. Complete opposites, like happiness and sadness. It gives us an idea of what having the Lord in our life can do to our lives. It makes our life so much better, gives us a second chance, keeps us happy and gives us more than plentiful supply optimism.

Ewan Taylor

Review Of Midweek Festival

Wednesday 30th of July 2008 Midweek Festival for summer school 2008. Wednesday night was a fantastic night of fun and entertainment. We had 3 bands playing on Wednesday night. the A band, the B band and the C band. They did brilliant Work playing their instruments. The B band kicked off the night with a song called Be Bold … Be Strong … Be Still. Then they played a song called Days of Elijah. They did excellent well done B band.

Then the C band did Lovely Day which got the audience on their feet. Then the C band did Agnus Dei at the end of the programme. Well done C band and we can’t wait till the final festival and I hope you have something big this year. Then we had the A band first they played Salute the General then Tynley Hall. Also well done to the A band which lifted the roof of the Chapel. We also have some Singing and Drama at summer school as well. We had a Girls Chorus which sang lovely songs to us. The first one they did was Dona Nobis Pacem then Circle of friends and then Let me tell you. We had a A chorus who sang excellent they had to audition to be in the A chorus well done who got through. First they sang Indescribable and then when you believe. Then we had the Drama group and they did an awesome job. They did Questions, Questions and then they did a remaking of The Parable of the sower. We all had a good time. And we thank the staff for preparing and playing as well for the the Midweek festival. And we can’t forget the pupils who put on a show for the audience.

Tim Mizon

The Wednesday Mid-Week festival

With only four days of practising on instruments, acting in drama and singing in the girl’s chorus we had a mid-week festival so parents and relatives could come and see how we are doing in our chosen activity. There were lots of parents and relatives of the students there to come and watch them and it was really fun and tiring at the end.

After the festival most of the students went to see their family and friends that came to see them and they were all very happy to see them. Also after the festival some of the students had Chinese or chips from the chip shop for their supper and some people shared. Just after we had the Chinese and the chips some of us went swimming for twenty minutes and it was really cold in the shower! Then we came back to our dorms then went around everywhere in our swimming costumes and then our pjs!

We will also be having a final festival on Saturday at Grangemouth town hall before we leave the summer school for this year. Most of us hopefully are hoping that they can come back next year to have more fun and make more friends.

Danielle Taylor

Mid-week Festival

At the mid-week festival all the students family, friends, corps members came through to the school to see what we have been doing during the week. The night started off with the B-band. They played a selection of songs, such as be Bold…Be Strong…Be Still and days of Elijah. They all played really well. The A band Played Salute the General and Tynley Hall.

The Girls Chorus sang 3 songs, Dona Nobis Pacem, Circle of Friends and Let me tell you. The A chorus sang 2 lovely songs, Indescribable and When You Believe. The C band sang 2 songs as well, Lovely Day and Agnus Dei which went down well.

And Of course the drama, the preformed 2 sketches at the festival, Questions, Question and the Parable of the Sower…Retold…Yet again. the Drama group all enjoyed themselves and tried their best to remember all there lines.

Overall the night ran smoothly and everyone had a good time.

Rachel Watson x

Tuesday 29 July 2008

You are here to be Light

We are all here to shine, in one way or another. We may want to shine through music or drama. We could be here to strengthen our spirituality even more or to pickup our spirituality which we may have lost in one way or another. We are all here to learn how to bring out God-Colours by using the talents we’ve been given.

We’re here to shine, to project God’s name to the world, to be as public as we possibly can. We’re here to understand the true glory of God and things that we can do to shine and make him proud. Absolutely everyone can shine, no matter who you are.

Ewan Taylor

Monday 28 July 2008

"You Are A Child Of God."

This statement applies to absolutely everyone. Yet not everyone knows this, or appreciates the sheer magnitude of what this means to them. No matter how old you are, how tall you are or where you originate from, we’re all children of god. So we’re all equal, no matter who we are.

To be a child of God gives a sense of pride, but also a responsibility, and that is too constantly remember this and to always keep faith in God because we’re Gods children and God never gives up on us.

Sometimes when we walk past a street, we’ll walk past people that are homeless, or selling “big issues” and we sometimes don’t think of them as children of God aswell, even though they are exactly the same as us. Sometimes we need to get to the know the person on the inside, instead of judging them on first impressions so that we can see them as a child of God, in exactly the same way that the Lord would.

We are all children of the Lord.

Ewan Taylor & Kieron McDougall

Free Time

Space For Free Time

Free Time is an excellent time during Summer School. You can play football, go to the tuck shop, play games etc. Free Time is also a great time to talk to your friends and get to know others. You may also want to get fit and so you could do that during the time that is given.

Jordan Rennie

Sunday 27 July 2008


Summer school is an annual event where kids aged 12-25 come from all over Scotland (and some from other places in the UK) to have fun and improve their faith in god. It is a Christian event for the Salvation Army where kids take part in a number of activities to improve their skills in music, drama, dance and sports etc…

This year summer school was held at a different venue to the summer schools in the past. The grounds are pretty awesome: bigger and better than last year. However we are also sharing the school with other groups including a great jazz band!

There are main subjects and secondary options at summer school; MAIN: Brass, Drama, C band (contemporary worship), A Chorus (awesome or awful: whatever u like!) and Girls' Chorus OPTIONS: there is also media, dance, sports etc…

The purpose of summer school is to improve skill in our subjects and to improve our faith. It is a great opportunity to meet friends and to have fun … should be great!!!

James Adcock