Thursday 31 July 2008

The Truth

The video proves one point which we’ve all heard so many times. That we can all turn our life around. No matter how many sins we have committed, how many times we’ve turned our back on god or if we’ve never really picked up in your faith yet. You can turn your life around, because God loves us all, and his love is there for anybody who wishes to accept it.

When the video starts off, it talks about the things we worry about in life when times get bad. When we think that our life is only going to get worse, when we get worried about “children’s health and safety”. These are the negative thoughts that flow through our heads when we don’t have the Lord in our life.

The second half of the video is a completely different kettle of fish. Complete opposites, like happiness and sadness. It gives us an idea of what having the Lord in our life can do to our lives. It makes our life so much better, gives us a second chance, keeps us happy and gives us more than plentiful supply optimism.

Ewan Taylor