Thursday 31 July 2008

Review Of Midweek Festival

Wednesday 30th of July 2008 Midweek Festival for summer school 2008. Wednesday night was a fantastic night of fun and entertainment. We had 3 bands playing on Wednesday night. the A band, the B band and the C band. They did brilliant Work playing their instruments. The B band kicked off the night with a song called Be Bold … Be Strong … Be Still. Then they played a song called Days of Elijah. They did excellent well done B band.

Then the C band did Lovely Day which got the audience on their feet. Then the C band did Agnus Dei at the end of the programme. Well done C band and we can’t wait till the final festival and I hope you have something big this year. Then we had the A band first they played Salute the General then Tynley Hall. Also well done to the A band which lifted the roof of the Chapel. We also have some Singing and Drama at summer school as well. We had a Girls Chorus which sang lovely songs to us. The first one they did was Dona Nobis Pacem then Circle of friends and then Let me tell you. We had a A chorus who sang excellent they had to audition to be in the A chorus well done who got through. First they sang Indescribable and then when you believe. Then we had the Drama group and they did an awesome job. They did Questions, Questions and then they did a remaking of The Parable of the sower. We all had a good time. And we thank the staff for preparing and playing as well for the the Midweek festival. And we can’t forget the pupils who put on a show for the audience.

Tim Mizon